I am a Wisconsin based freelance photo stylist, part-time crafter and avid collector of lace. I have worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years and dabbled in the craft & hobby industry throughout my career. I have sold items to small stores and direct to customers as well as created prototypes for large manufacturers to be mass produced and sold at major retailers.
I am excited about my new venture into selling kits online because it provides an outlet for my love of crafting while sharing my lace collection with other crafters. I have always loved creating beautiful little things out of lace and ribbon and have been collecting lace and trim for decades. It started during an internship at a bridal company in NY when I asked for the scraps of lace left from the cutting table in the sample room. Later I worked in intimate apparel where yards of scrap lace were abundant. I also loved to shop jobbers in New York’s fabric district for unique findings & trim. I am hoping to share my collection of vintage lace and joy of frilly crafting with other lovers of lace.
I hope you enjoy the product selection. Please contact me with any questions or comments.